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Credit in Life Milestones

Starting College: Understanding Student Loans, Building Credit as a Student, and Managing College Expenses

  • September 8, 2023
  • 2 min read
Starting College: Understanding Student Loans, Building Credit as a Student, and Managing College Expenses

The transition from high school to college is a significant milestone, bringing with it newfound independence and financial responsibilities. One of the most crucial aspects to navigate is the world of credit. Here’s a guide to help you through.

1. Understanding Student Loans

  • Federal vs. Private Loans: Federal loans, backed by the government, often come with lower interest rates and more flexible repayment terms than private loans from banks or other financial institutions.
  • Interest Rates: Understand the difference between fixed and variable interest rates. Fixed rates remain constant, while variable rates can fluctuate.
  • Repayment Plans: Familiarize yourself with when repayment begins (e.g., after graduation) and available repayment options.

2. Building Credit as a Student

  • Student Credit Cards: Many banks offer credit cards tailored for students, providing a platform to start building credit.
  • Timely Payments: Always pay your bills on time, whether it’s for a credit card, phone, or utility bill.
  • Limit Borrowing: Just because you have a credit limit doesn’t mean you should max it out. Aim to use less than 30% of your available credit.

3. Managing College Expenses

  • Budgeting: Create a monthly budget, factoring in tuition, books, housing, and personal expenses. Stick to it as closely as possible.
  • Emergency Fund: Set aside a small fund for unexpected expenses. Even a little saved can help in a pinch.
  • Financial Aid: Regularly check for scholarships, grants, or work-study opportunities to reduce reliance on loans.


Starting college is an exciting journey, filled with opportunities and challenges. By understanding the intricacies of student loans, taking proactive steps to build credit, and managing your expenses wisely, you set the foundation for strong financial health throughout your college years and beyond.

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